
Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Mosaics

Roman Mosaics: 

Most of the mosaics made during the Roman Empire depicted mythological scenes and geometric designs. Mosaics were normally done on walls and floors. The Romans made their mosaics out of stone, small pebbles, tile and even pieces of pottery.

This mosaic appears to be made out of colored tile.

This mosaic look seems to be a mixture of tiles and stone.

Byzantine Mosaics:

Byzantine mosaics were normally placed in public and ceremonial structures as well as peoples houses, normally on the floor. Floor mosaics tended to be made of limestone, but they normally used what was available such as tile.

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This mosaic seems to be made of tile.

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This one also seems to be made of tile.

Islamic Mosaics:

Islamic Mosaics show geometric designs or floral designs. They're made out of colored tiles or painted tiles.

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This mosaic seems to be painted tiles.

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This mosaic looks like it's made of painted tile and small tiles.


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