Janine Antoni
Janine Antoni
Janine Antoni is a sculptor, photographer and performance artist from the Bahamas. She tends to use her body and parts or her body as art tools, such as her hair, mouth and eyelashes. In one of her best known works Gnaw, she used her mouth and chewing to carve two 600 lb cubes, one of chocolate and the other lard. She used the chewed out bits to make lipstick and chocolate boxes which were displayed in a fake store front. Antoni says that lard is representing female bodies since they have higher fat content then males.
When I first saw Antoni's work I immediately loved it. I find her photography to be visually interesting as well as pleasing. Her sculptures are very creative and well done and I love her polyurethane resin sculptures of different bones. Their color, smoothness and design make for a calming piece that is very pleasant to look at. I also find her work to be really inspiring to me especially the way that she thinks outside the box in terms of materials.
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