Roman Sculptures

I Googled 'Roman Sculpture' and these are five examples that I find visually interesting.

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I found this one intriguing because of the way the hair ribbons down, moving in an unrealistic way, giving it a personality, as well as the flowers and her face both of which make her look gentle.

Image result for roman sculptureThis one caught my attention because of the way the children's faces are so passionate or ravenous, making you wonder the origin/ why the artist chose to give such adult emotions to children.

Image result for roman sculpture godsI like this sculpture of Venus/Aphrodite because of the judgemental or questioning pose the sculpture gave her.

Image result for roman sculpture
This sculpture interested me because of the anguish in his face making you wonder what happened to him, as well as who's holding him/the head.

Image result for roman sculptureLastly, this piece intrigued me because of her relaxed/lazy or bored look as well as the detailing in the fabric.


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